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Aluminum hydroxide manufacturer analytical separation mechanism of aluminium hydroxide - sodium aluminate solution Appropriate chemical industry

by:Yixin     2021-01-25

aluminum hydroxide as both sexes oxide, its application is very extensive, preparation method, usually using bayer process or soda-lime sintering, individual aluminum hydroxide factory to aluminum hydroxide precipitation of sodium aluminate solution.

early period, has been proposed for saturated sodium aluminate solution colloid structure, decomposition of aluminium hydroxide is gathering process of aluminum hydroxide, but as the colloid structure theory of sodium aluminate solution and then is negative, the decomposition theory cannot be established.

aluminum hydroxide manufacturer's researchers proposed exist in sodium aluminate solution and colloidal aluminum acid radical ions point of view, and that the decomposition of sodium aluminate solution is composed of two hydrolysis and crystallization process.

in recent years, aluminum hydroxide aluminum manufacturers tend to acid radical ion polymerization ion group and eventually formed by polymerization sanshui diaspore lattice point of view. With the progress of science and technology, a manufacturer of aluminum hydroxide on the decomposition of sodium aluminate solution mechanism from the macroscopic research into micro step by step, adopt more advanced test method to study.

study and explore the generating process of aluminum hydroxide, helps to upgrade production technology of aluminum hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide manufacturer to save costs, improve efficiency, for the purpose of a deeper understanding of aluminium hydroxide.

aluminum hydroxide crystal analysis was carried out on the sodium aluminate solution, from microscopic above analytical separation principle of aluminum hydroxide, but at present there exist the different points of view and view, aluminum hydroxide factory further research is needed.

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