Introduction - Turkey ten water borax basic technical parameters Appropriate chemical industry
English name: BORAX DECAHYDRATE formula: Na2B4O7. 10 level of h2o purposes: industrial country of origin/manufacturer: Turkey ETIMADEN content: 99. 9 ( %) Size: 20 ( The eye) Model number: etibor - Implement quality standard: 48 granular TS - 1444年中科院:1303 - 96 - 4
water borax / 10-10 Moore industrial grain size ( Na2B4O7。 10H2O) Chemical index
unit content
36. 47 points.
Na2O content
16. 24 points.
70 is the largest. Chlorine
50 largest. Iron
10 maximum. Purity of
99. 90 points.
size specifications
size ( mm) The grid transformation content + 1. 000 + 18 4. 00 is the largest. % - - - - - - 0. 063 - 230 4. 00 is the largest. %