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Man-made stone with aluminum hydroxide of aluminum hydroxide manufacturer production - Appropriate chemical industry

by:Yixin     2021-01-15

aluminum hydroxide is called alumina hydrate in the industry, since it has good whiteness, the advantages of the refractive index is moderate, the aluminum hydroxide become a kind of very good packing production of artificial stone, aluminum hydroxide manufacturer also to produce artificial stone.

manufacturer of aluminum hydroxide production of man-made stone has many advantages: the artificial stone, light weight, low cost, easy processing, good color, tenacity is big, can realize seamless splicing, above the industry at the same time, the artificial stone manufacture method is simple, short production cycle. Become a widely used construction materials, aluminum hydroxide manufacturers, therefore, also have a lot of profit.

aluminum hydroxide manufacturer production carbon points method commonly used artificial stone. Points of carbon production line is three times of semen in the raw material area as raw material, through access to carbon dioxide decomposition, washing, drying and crushing process, such as to produce qualified man-made stone with aluminum hydroxide filler.

aluminum hydroxide manufacturer in the process of the production of artificial stone, the sodium aluminate solution and interfacial tension between aluminum hydroxide crystal up to 1. 25 n/m, making aluminum hydroxide crystal nucleus is difficult to spontaneously generated in the process of decomposition, and from the outside to join aluminium hydroxide crystal seed, making aluminum hydroxide crystallization precipitation, therefore, the manufacture of aluminum hydroxide man-made stone is considered by aluminum hydroxide manufacturer as decomposition process of sodium aluminate.

artificial stone with aluminum hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide manufacturers usually require the heap than the bigger the better, the higher the add attachments in the resin, the products of the production cost is lower, the flame retardant performance of the product is, the better.

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