The change of particle size - aluminum hydroxide in the process of decomposition products Appropriate chemical industry
aluminum hydroxide is an important gender hydroxide, in bayer process aluminum hydroxide in the process of production, product size there is periodic thinning phenomenon, serious time will affect the normal operation of the bayer process system.
in order to further understand the problem of aluminum hydroxide granularity refining, aluminum hydroxide manufacturer to simulate industrial conditions on the kind of periodic points in the process of product refinement are studied, the results showed that as the temperature rises, the aluminium hydroxide size change cycles shorten, lengthened with the increment of seed; Particle size fluctuation amplitude decreases with the increase of temperature, increases with the increase of the amount of seed; In the case of other conditions unchanged, is used to decompose the fault caused by the onset of the seed crystal size distribution distribution imbalance, especially fine particles decreases, coarse particles increased, leading to the specific surface area of seed size, resulting in product granularity of explosive refinement.
question along with the environmental problems in our country and increasingly strict, with uniform particles is bulky, good liquidity, good molten salt dissolving properties. Superior dry adsorption of many advantages, such as sand alumina more vogue, and this kind of sand of alumina production without the influence of aluminum hydroxide granularity.
aluminum hydroxide product size change has WeiGuanXing, thus caused the people to the aluminum hydroxide product size change depending on process and control process.
aluminum hydroxide manufacturer in-depth study, analysis of the quantity and the time of temperature and the impact of the change of granularity, concluded that periodic thinning is the main reason of the products in the same grade of large particles, and a large particle crystal surface is smooth, relatively perfect in crystallization, less active point, cause a one-time secondary of the large number of crystal nucleus, producing a large amount of fine particles.