The properties of sodium nitrate
here are some properties of sodium nitrate is introduced:
a, health hazard
invasive ways: inhalation, eat, percutaneous absorption. Health hazard:
toxic effect for paralysis sports center, the respiratory center and the surrounding blood vessels; The formation of high iron protein. Acute poisoning of general weakness, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest sense of urgency and difficulty breathing; Check to see clear purple purple skin and mucosa. Serious blood pressure to drop, coma and death. Contact workers hands and foot skin damage can occur.
2, toxicology data and environmental behavior
toxicity: through the mouth is a highly toxic. Acute toxicity:
LD5085mg/kg ( Through the mouth) of rats ; 65mg/kg( Rat vein)
dangerous features: inorganic oxidants. And organic matter, a mixture of fuel combustion and explosion, and emit toxic excitant nitrous oxide gas. With ammonium salt, fuel powder or cyanide mixtures will explode. Heat or acid nitrogen oxides can produce poisonous gas. Combustion (
Decomposition) Product: nitrogen oxides.
3。 The scene emergency monitoring method:
gas test tube method of smoke)
water quality rapid colorimetric tube method ( Japan is made, nitrite)
4。 Laboratory monitoring methods:
N - ( 1 - Naphthyl) - Ethylenediamine spectrophotometry ( GB7493- 87). ( Nitrite)
ion chromatography ( GB13580. 5 - 92, water quality) ( Nitrite)
spectrophotometry analysis method of food additives, Ma Jiaxiang etc.
that is about the related properties of sodium nitrate, sodium nitrate more consultation, can contact Shanghai xin chemical co. , LTD.